Full details of the series

DATE AND TIME 12/01/2018 - 11/02/2018
Monday to Sunday and public holidays: 10:00 - 21:00

ADMISSION Free admission

BBVA Foundation
Palacio del Marqués de Salamanca
Paseo de Recoletos, 10. Madrid

CICLO Multiverso 2017-2018

‘La España profunda’ starts from the work of Juan de Ávalos, the sculptor behind the Valle de los Caídos, a symbol that still today divides Spanish society. Griñolo uses it as an example to analyze the country’s recent history. Drawing on Ávalos’s “other” sculptures, the artist will produce a film essay addressing four concepts: history, the feminine, religion and the artistic manifestation of the intra-historic temperament. He will also invite several poets – Begoña Abad y Niño de Elche, Antonio Orihuela, Ana Pérez Cañamares, Isabel Pérez Montalbán, David Pielfort, Manuel Vilas y Felipe Zapico – to reflect on the distance between Ortega y Gasset and Rocío Jurado. In sum, an exploration of memory, territory, tradition, folklore, anthropology and poetry.

ARTIST Isaías Griñolo

CURATOR Laura Baigorri