Full details of the series

DATE AND TIME 20/10/2017 - 19/11/2017
Monday to Sunday and public holidays: 10:00 - 21:00

ADMISSION Free admission

VENUE Sala Multiverso. BBVA Foundation. Palacio del Marqués de Salamanca. Paseo de Recoletos, 10. Madrid


‘Mater amatísima: Imaginaries and discourses on motherhood during times of change’ is conceived as a video essay that poses a reflection on the possibility of other models of family, given the visual media’s insistent reliance on stereotypes of the most traditional kind.

She will do this through an analysis of diverse media, film and video stereotypes. The visual essay will also train a spotlight on our judicial system: to what extent it is contaminated by the most conventional models of family, coupledom, motherhood and fatherhood, and whether or not it is subject to the influence of the mass media.

Video (54’ ), Audio 1 (39’ 55’’), Audio 2 (18’ 6’’), Audio 3 (37’54’’) and Audio 4 (27’57’’)

ARTIST María Ruido

CURATOR Laura Baigorri