María García Ruiz (Valdepeñas, 1981) holds a bachelor’s degree in Architecture and a master’s in Art and Design Research, and is currently completing a PhD in Philosophy.
Her projects are experiments revolving around the production – physical and imagined – of territory, through the articulation of hybrid narratives between image, writing and action.
She has exhibited at venues like Secession in Vienna; the Stuttgart Kunstverein; Museo de Reus; Lo Pati, Centre d’Art de les Terres de l’Ebre in Amposta; MUSAC in León; and Sant Andreu Contemporani and Fabra i Coats in Barcelona, among others.
Her main works include Rüsselsheim, 2016 (un ensayo para Oratorio) (2018), Virgencica, Virgencica! (2016), El camino de ida no es el mismo que el de vuelta (2015), and Linz/Kosice /Kalocsa (2014).